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Professional Kicking Vol.1

Professional Kicking Vol.1

Regular price $99.00 $45.00 Sale

The human body is equipped with two baseball bats: your legs. You need to learn how to use them! In this video, Coach Zahabi will teach how the best in the world use their legs as weapons to both defend and attack. This video will serve as an incredible reference guide during your martial arts development. This is a must have! Coach Zahabi also takes you through the "Kicking Strategies" and details exactly when and how to use these kicks!!! Learn Kicking Strategies from one of the most strategic minds in the game ever!

In this video you will learn 

  • How to develop power in your kicks
  • Correct head positioning 
  • How to  use Rhythm to increase power
  • The Cut Kick (cutting down the tree)
  • How to avoid injuring your leg on the Cut Kick
  • How to set up the Cut Kick so they can’t defend
  • The Body Kick Mechanics 
  • Understanding Old School vs New School style of Body Kicking 
  • When to kick the body and when not to kick the body
  • How to avoid the elbows when body kicking 
  • Pulling your kick back faster then you throw it 
  • Shielding after a Body Kick 
  • The Head Kick Mechanics  
  • Head Kick Strategies 
  • Understanding Protecting the Centerline 
  • The Pendulum Step (footwork drill) 
  • The Pendulum Kick 
  • The Chip Kick 
  • Chip Kick Strategies 
  • The Calf Kick Strategies 
  • Switching Drill progressions (footwork drills)
  • The Switch Kick
  • The Drift (footwork drill) 
  • Drifting Strategies 

And much more!!!


 This video is packed with details! You get the equivalent of what you would learn in a 3hr seminar all distilled into about 1hr. This video has zero fluff or dead time! Every single minute is educational. See why Coach Zahabi's teaching style is favoured by many around the world!

Juji Club is happy to announce that you can now Stream or Download the video!

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